
Showing posts from November, 2023


  Hi - it’s been a rough few months and while I do need to catch up on the blog, I also have some other priorities right now. My grandmother passed away on the 3rd of November. We thought we had at least the next few Christmases left with her, but she fell a few months ago and we did our best but she never quite could get back on her feet. I think the work was too hard, in physical therapy, and the struggle to get up and eat. We had a few beautiful weeks with her at home, and then she let go. It seemed like she was at peace. Since she fell, until today, I haven’t had any motivation to do anything but work and sleep. It was a traumatizing experience, helping the woman who took me to ice skating lessons try to walk to the bathroom on a Saturday morning.  But she’s at peace now. We’re planning the funeral, and working on a new schedule - not to care for Gram and get her back and forth from her bed from her wheelchair, but for Gramp, who is alone for the first time since they met, in the 5