Hi again! It’s time to look at the BoxyCharm for November. I didn’t participate in November’s Mega Drop Shop - partially because I forgot about it, and partially because when I did finally remember it was going on I missed out on all the good drops, and mostly because the last MDS didn’t arrive until two months later and took me ages to sort and photo and try out and review and ::pant:: So this month I opted to just get the five products and be happy with them. Except , one of the items was a duplicate - I had just received it in IPSY a few months ago. I won’t be talking about it, just going to list it and get rid of it since I’ve already made that review. So four items. Except No it’s all good, that was the only thing. Nice! So two of the items I am talking about are skincare and two are makeup, and it feels like just a good mix of a box. The first item I want to talk about is the Lush and Plush Hydrating Lip Balm by a brand called Luna Magic . Never heard of this b...