
Showing posts from June, 2022

June BoxBattle!

  Hi all!  This is going to be a monthly post comparing any beauty boxes I receive and try out. Right now I only have two beauty subscription boxes, IPSY and BoxyCharm, but eventually I’d like to get a few more. I won’t probably go super in-depth in these posts because I lay everything out in my individual reviews, but I think it’s important to compare value for the cost, convenience, variety, and personalization. What I look for from a beauty box is the same thing I look for from a music streaming service; I want mostly my music, some similar music, and something off the wall once in a while to keep it interesting. I want a good amount of things that I’ve said I like or use a lot, a few things that I’ve indicated I might like or use sometimes, and maybe one item that’s totally out there for me that is a shot in the dark that maybe I have never used before. Obviously you want the company you’re getting it from to have personalization - at least a little bit, like they should know

BoxyCharm June 2022 Review

  Ok so I received my BoxyCharm for this month and need to talk about it, so just gonna jump in. I’ve only received a few BoxyCharm boxes since I’ve been into makeup and I didn’t like them as much as IPSY, so I only just resubscribed to continue reviewing and trying new things. Honestly I’ve never been as attracted to BoxyCharm’s vibe or interface or packaging or anything. My box came in with a lot of goop all over it and it became obvious that something in the box had ESPLODED :( Unwrapping it was a nightmare. Opened the box and one of the glass serum bottles had completely shattered all over the place, all over all the other products, just like EW. So that was fun to clean up. The exploded product was the Sunday Riley serum that I’m pretty sure I was excited to try. It smelled nice? Anyway I’ve tried the other products and have some thoughts.  To start off with my skin as always, it’s been pretty good the last few weeks. Barely any picking at all and I’ve been very good abo

Drawing Lines

  I have been working in retail for over a decade now, and today is the first time I have stood up to a customer in any real sense and denied them service. It’s sad to me that it’s such an intense feeling, because I can remember a lot of times I should have. And I sort of want to vent a little bit about how it all feels and stuff. I wouldn’t call myself “averse” to conflict, but I certainly wasn’t exposed to much of it as a child and so my instinct is to appease, particularly at work where that’s my job.  I worked retail, and then customer service, and then sales, and then sales management, and in all that time, through promotions, upgrades, everything, I have never told a customer I will not serve them until today. I’ve been insulted, screamed at, had things thrown at me, had people call corporate about me, have people try to steal from me, had the cops called to my building, but I’ve never told a customer I wouldn’t serve them. Backstory: A few weeks ago I was working the mor

My Planner and my Stickers and my Colored Pens

  I did not have to try very hard in school and never learned how to keep myself organized. Even in classes where I struggled, there was always extra credit, there was always something I could do. But I didn’t challenge myself, it was more just mindless busywork. Lots of words on a page that sounded fancy but maybe didn’t say much. Very detailed, handwritten notes on something I didn’t understand. A very well-put presentation, but at base value just word salad. My teachers liked me because I was a good communicator. I was polite and respectful and minded my own business and I coasted through on sheer reading level and writing talent. I sometimes wish maybe I had been a little behind the curve so I could have learned hard work and perseverance. But it wasn’t my fate. I’m obsessed with buying and writing in notebooks. I love the feeling of pen on paper - kinda like asmr but without the tingles? - but I never had anything to fill them with. Never had any real writing projects, bec