
2023 Recap

2023 was such a good year for new discoveries in skincare and makeup, and readopting old favorites too. I’ve made a lot of progress this year with picking and keeping my skin clear, and I had a lot of strong feelings about some of the products I tried. So I thought what we could do is an updated skincare and makeup routine which could serve as a favorites list and 2023 discoveries. And as I go, if I have a few different items I switch up between, I’ll just make that comment and talk about what I love. And then at the end, there will be an honorable mentions section so I can bring up any product that really sticks in my mind but I don’t use every day. So! First off is cleansers and makeup removers and exfoliators and masks! I take my makeup off with the Juno Cleansing Balm. I’ve tried other balms before, but this one takes the absolute cake. It’s inexpensive, has excellent packaging, and is not irritating when it gets in my waterline for eye makeup. It’s my most purchased item and I can

November ICON Box!

  This might be my favorite box I’ve ever gotten. I have been immensely looking forward to going over all the items I got/picked and continuing to use them over the course of the winter.  First though, I just want you to picture this: Sitting on my couch, with a cup of coffee, at 8am on a Saturday, in my nightgown and warm socks, watching my favorite streamer, working on my blog 🙂 So November’s box is ICON. In case you didn’t know, when you subscribe to BoxyCharm through IPSY you can opt in for the ICON box. Four times a year your usual $35 or whatever it is you spend on BoxyCharm gets swapped out for about a $55 charge, and you get an ICON box instead.  ICON is supposed to come off like it’s more carefully curated and intentionally created, which so far I actually do think it is. They pick a celebrity known in the beauty space or just a popular brand owner and make them the face of the box. They add two or three items from that person’s brand into the box, or they let that person p